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UBCO researcher examines how wildfires can transform rivers

UBCO researcher examines how wildfires can transform rivers

About half of the Bonaparte River’s watershed was affected by fire in 2017

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Learning to live with wildfire

Learning to live with wildfire

UBC Okanagan researchers take an interdisciplinary approach to wildfire management.

The post Learning to live with wildfire appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBCO researcher investigates how panda cubs communicate with their mother

UBCO researcher investigates how panda cubs communicate with their mother

Baby calls are essential for survival of endangered animals

The post UBCO researcher investigates how panda cubs communicate with their mother appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBCO welcomes students to campus for start of new term

UBCO welcomes students to campus for start of new term

Classes and welcome-back events to continue as initially planned

The post UBCO welcomes students to campus for start of new term appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.