Undergraduate Student Forms

These faculty-wide forms are made available for the undergraduate students of the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science.

Submit a Letter of Permission requests using the online form. All other forms should be submitted in person to the Associate Dean’s office (ASC 413) or by email to fos.students.ubco@ubc.ca.

Note: Students must provide original copies of supporting documentation, such as letters from licensed medical professionals.

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Policy on Supporting Documentation for Academic Concessions

Requests for academic concessions must be accompanied by acceptable supporting documentation, or it will not be reviewed. Students must provide original documents in support of requests for academic concessions. Medical documentation must be original, with a signature in ink from the medical professional: we do not accept digital signatures. The documentation must be on letterhead, with complete contact information provided to allow us to contact the office for document authentication.

Academic Concession Requests

Requests for academic concessions must be submitted as close as possible to the time that the class attendance or participation is adversely affected.

When considering requests, or any appeals of decisions on academic concessions, the IKB Faculty of Science Dean’s Office will not normally accept untimely submissions. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved.

All academic concession requests that require medical documentation as part of the request must meet these requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, cell pictures etc.).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted.
  • Since most students are not in Kelowna, we will accept medical notes and supporting documents if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (250-807-8001) The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, and the student name in full
  • Medical notes and supporting documents may be faxed directly to the Dean’s Office secure fax machine from the practitioners’ office.
  • Must include cover page from the office and the student name in full.

Third Repeat of a Course

Please review the email requirements below and send your request to fos.students.ubco@ubc.ca

A student may not repeat a course more than once without permission from their Faculty per the Academic Calendar. 

If you wish to take a course for the third time, please write a letter to the Associate Dean, Dr. Scott Reid, at fos.students.ubco@ubc.ca that provides the following:

  • Your full name, student number, course number, and the term in which you wish to retake the course;
  • An honest account of why you failed the course twice before;
  • What you have done to prepare to take this course again (e.g. sought assistance from the Learning Hub);
  • What you will do differently if you are approved to take the course for a third time (be specific);
  • A detailed plan for academic success.

If you are an international student, we recommend you meet with an advisor in the Global Engagement Office (GEO) for assistance in preparing a plan for academic success.

If you are an Indigenous student, we recommend you meet with an advisor in Indigenous Programs and Services for assistance in preparing a plan for academic success.

Students may also seek assistance from Academic Advising.

Please be aware that if the request is approved, your registration eligibility will be restricted to a maximum of 9 credits in the Winter term or a maximum of 3 credits in the Summer term in which the course is repeated.

A third repeat of a course is approved only once.

Directed Studies

Students are to complete the Directed Studies application form with their supervisor and create a course outline. Send both documents to the Department offering the course for approval. If approved the Department will send the application to the Dean’s Office for final approval and processing.

Students applying for COSC, DATA, MATH, PHYS and STATS are required to also send their unofficial grades are part of their application.

Application Forms

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: BIOC 448
Biology: BIOL 452
Chemistry: CHEM 447
Chemistry: CHEM 448
Computer Science: COSC 447 & 448
Data Science: DATA 448
Earth and Environmental Sciences: EESC 448
Mathematics: Math 448
Physics: PHYS 448
Statistics: STAT 448


Students are to complete the Honours application form with their supervisor and create a course outline. Send both documents to the Department offering the course for approval. Biochemistry students forward the application to the Home Department of their supervisor for approval. If approved the Department will send the application to the Dean’s Office for final approval and processing.

Students applying for COSC, DATA, MATH, PHYS and STATS are required to also send their unofficial grades are part of their application.

Students applying for MATH and STATS honours do not need to provide a course outline.

Students applying for EESC must also submit the Honours Thesis Project Plan.

Application Forms
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honours Thesis
Biology Honours Thesis (BIOL, EECB, MICB, and ZOOL programs)
Chemistry Honours Thesis
Computer Science Honours Thesis
Data Science Honours Thesis
Earth and Environmental Sciences Honours Thesis and EESC 449 Honours Thesis Project Plan (both are required)
Mathematics Honours Program Application
Physics Honours Thesis Application

Letter of Permission Request

Please complete this online form after you’ve met with an academic advisor. You don’t need to complete a Letter of Permission Request form if you’re participating in a Go Global Exchange.

UBC students are expected to complete their coursework at UBC. In exceptional circumstances, students may apply for a Letter of Permission (LOP) to study elsewhere and transfer the credit to UBC to be applied to their BA, BFA, BMS and BSc degrees. To obtain a LOP, a student must demonstrate via an articulate academic rationale that the course at the other institution is a unique opportunity that will enhance their UBC degree.

Permission will not normally be granted when the requested course is a degree- or program-required course. Normally, letters of permission are issued only for students in good standing who are taking first- and second-year electives at an accredited institution. Normally, requests for upper-level courses will be considered only if they provide a unique learning opportunity (e.g. a field course not offered at UBC).

Students who take a reduced course load during the winter terms should be prepared to take courses during summer sessions, or take an additional year to complete their degree. Proximity to home or lower cost of taking the course at another institution are not sufficient reasons for taking a course elsewhere. Students may be asked to provide documentation supporting claims made in the request.

Degree-required first-year ENGL courses must be completed on campus. Normally, LOP requests will not be approved for courses that fulfill the language requirement for the BA degree.

  • The student cannot be on Academic Probation or Failed Standing or have a Standing Deferred for any courses.
  • Normally, the student must have successfully completed a minimum of 24 credits at UBC before submitting a LOP request.
  • The student must have a minimum GPA of 60%, with no failed courses in the previous term.
  • The student cannot be away from UBC on Go Global, or on leave due to Failed Standing.
  • Retroactive LOPs will not be approved; students must obtain a LOP before taking a course elsewhere.
  • Normally, only one course at a time will be approved on a LOP request.
  • Normally, students can apply a maximum of six credits (or two courses) taken on a Letter of Permission to their BSc degree.
  • BSUS students are not eligible to apply for a Letter of Permission.
  • The student cannot be attending classes at UBC while completing a course elsewhere (an exception is when a student is repeating a course at Okanagan College).
  • The requested course must include a supervised final examination.
  • The approved course must be completed within the term for which the LOP was requested.

Pre-requisite and Co-requisite Waiver Requests

Submit one form per course request to the appropriate Department Assistant. Please note that Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics department has a digital form submission process and will not accept the pdf form.

Prerequisite and Co-requisite Waiver Request Online Application Form

Prerequisite and Co-requisite Waiver Request Online Application Form

Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics
Prerequisite and Co-requisite Waiver Request Online Application Form

Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences
Prerequisite and Co-requisite Waiver Request PDF Form
Email the completed form to eegs.okanagan@ubc.ca.

Request for Registration at UBC Vancouver

If you wish to attend courses at UBC Vancouver, please visit the cross campus registration page to view the eligibility requirements and registration request form.

Don’t see what you need on this page?

For any other department-specific forms, please consult the appropriate department assistant.

Biology: ugbiology.okanagan@ubc.ca
Chemistry: chemistry.okanagan@ubc.ca
Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics: cmps.okanagan@ubc.ca
Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences: eegs.okanagan@ubc.ca

Graduate student forms

Please visit the graduate students forms page.

Student Contact

All requests from students to the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Dean’s Office should be made in writing.

Email: fos.students.ubco@ubc.ca
Tel: 250.807.9229
Fax: 250.807.8001
Office: ASC 413