Adaji, Ifeoma
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Data science
- Modelling
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Designing and developing behavior change systems and persuasive technologies such as serious games and mobile/web applications;
– Modelling the behaviour of online users in social networks and e-commerce systems;
– Data science;
– Social computing;
– Ethics and trust in persuasive technologies.
Andrews, Jeffrey
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Bioinformatics
- Data science
- Machine learning
- Modelling
- Statistics
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with mixture models;
– Clustering and classification;
– Computational statistics;
– Applications in medical physics, engineering, bioinformatics, and sustainability.
Avgar, Tal
- Ecology
- Environmental science
- Modelling
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
Barker, Philip
- Biochemistry
- Cell biology
- Genetics
- Molecular biology
- Neurosciences
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Neurodegenerative disease;
– Signal transduction;
– Neurotrophin biology;
– Fly and mouse genetics.
Bauschke, Heinz
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Applied mathematics
- Mathematical optimization
- COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis and Nonsmooth Analysis)
Convex analysis and optimization, monotone operator theory, projection methods, and applications.
Bergstrom, Kirk
- Biochemistry
- Glycoscience
- Health/Medical science
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Host-microbiota interactions
– Glycobiology
Bobowski, Jake
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Condensed matter physics
- Low-temperature physics
- Physics education
– Custom microwave techniques for measuring electromagnetic properties of materials;
– Low-temperature conductivity and penetration depth of unconventional superconductors;
– Complex permittivity of waste-activated sludge.
Bourbonnais, Mathieu
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Ecology
- Environmental science
- Geographic information science
- Modelling
- Statistics
- Wildfire science
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Geographic information sciences;
– Spatial analysis and statistics;
– Wildfire ecology and management;
– Movement ecology;
– Remote sensing.
Braun, W. John
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Modelling
- Statistics
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Wildfire science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
– Computational statistics with applications including fire science;
– Statistical process control;
– Statistical education.
Broughton, Wayne
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Combinatorics
- Graph theory
– Combinatorial design theory and graph theory;
– History of mathematics.
Butz, Edward
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Mathematical optimization
- Neurosciences
– Optimal risk management strategies in neuroscience;
– Risk management in finance.
Campbell, Éowyn
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Geochemistry
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
– Global biogeochemistry;
– Technical communication to scientists and non-scientists.
Chen, Yuan
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Geochemistry
- Mineralogy/Mining
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Petrology, geochemistry and geologic resources;
– Prediction of the solubility, transportation and potential bioavailability of trace elements through surface processes and to establish environmentally friendly operating procedures for the mining industry.
Currie, Suzanne (Suzie)
- Metabolism
- Physiology
- Zoology
Comparative animal physiology with a focus on fish under climate warming
Curtis, Jeffrey
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Biogeoclimatic control of water quality;
– Inferring hydrologic flowpath from geochemical indicators;
– Optical properties of natural waters;
– Interaction of metals and natural organic ligands;
– Scavenging of nutrients and trace elements in biogenic calcite;
– Fate and transport of endocrine disrupters.
Dang, Thu-Thuy
- Analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Catalysis
- Enzymology
- Genomics
- Health/Medical science
- Molecular biology
- Natural products
- Plant science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Studying plant metabolism using genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics;
– Discovering biosynthetic enzymes and pathways of medicinal natural products, especially anti-cancer compounds;
– Diversifying structures and functions of natural products with a strong focus on alkaloids;
– Synthetic biology/metabolic engineering of natural products biosynthesis.
Davis, Chad
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Algebra
- Number theory
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
– Algebraic number theory: evaluating indices of number fields of various degree, constructing monogenic number fields, factoring prime ideals, normal integral bases;
– Elliptic curves: finding parametric families of elliptic curves with non-zero ran, tau and theta congruent numbers.
Desjardins, Sylvie
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Applied mathematics
- Calculus
- Complex analysis
- Ecology
- Geometry
- Mathematical biology
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
Mathematical ecology and insect dispersal.
Deyholos, Michael
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnology
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Molecular biology
- Plant science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- WRC (Wine Research Centre)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Plant genetics and genomics in understanding cell wall development;
– Abiotic stress tolerance in plants;
– Plant-microbe interactions.
DiLabio, Gino
- Chemistry
- Faculty of Management
- Chemistry
- Faculty of Management
- Biochemistry
- Computational chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
- Physical chemistry
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- WRC (Wine Research Centre)
– Computational chemistry of organic, inorganic, biological, and solid-state systems;
– Non-covalent interactions;
– Oxygen-centrered radical induced damage of proteins.
Du, Shan
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer graphics
- Machine learning
- Software engineering
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Machine/deep learning;
– Image/video processing and pattern recognition;
– Biometrics;
– Video surveillance systems.
Dubosq, Renelle
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth science
- Mineralogy/Mining
- FiLTER (Fipke Laboratory for Trace Element Research)
– Nanogeology and microstructures;
– Geological diffusion processes and segregation of critical minerals;
– Earthquake nucleation and propagation mechanisms.
Dyck, Brendan
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth science
- Geochemistry
- Mineralogy/Mining
- Planetary science
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Metamorphic petrology;
– Tectonics & microstructure;
– Evolution of planetary lithosphere and electron-beam microscopy.
Ens, Barrett
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer science
- Visual computing
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Design of next-generation user interfaces;
– Human-computer interactions;
– Immersive analytics;
– Data visualization;
– Augmented and virtual reality.
Fard, Fatemeh
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer science
- Data science
- Machine learning
- Natural language processing
- Software engineering
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
Data science and machine learning for software engineering including:
– User feedback analysis;
– Empirical studies;
– Mining Software repositories;
– Code intelligence;
– Methods for low resource languages and scientific software.
Feldman, Rebecca
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Health/Medical science
- Medical physics
- Medical physics (MSc, PhD)
– Medical imaging, imaging processing, and translational imaging;
– MRI physics;
– Pulse sequence design.
Ford, Adam
- Biodiversity
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Forestry
- Indigeneity/First nations
- Urban/community planning
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- BRC (Biodiversity Research Centre)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
Wildlife ecology, large mammals, conservation, deer, elk, bears, wolves, antelope, leopards, predators, human-wildlife conflict, ecology, biodiversity, road ecology, wildlife-vehicle collisions, road kill, wildlife corridors, wildlife management, science communication, citizen science, restoration, national parks, forestry, ranching, biological diversity, wild animals.
Foxall, Eric
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Mathematical biology
- Modelling
Stochastic processes and mathematical biology.
Freeman, Tamara
- Chemistry education
- Inorganic chemistry
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
Chemistry education and public engagement
Friberg, Robert
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Environmental management
- Forestry
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
– Environmental science, management, and policy;
– Sustainability at local and global scales;
– Community resilience to natural hazards and climate change;
– Social and ecological indicators of sustainability, forest management, and conservation.
Gao, Yong
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Bioinformatics
- Graph theory
- Mathematical biology
- COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis and Nonsmooth Analysis)
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Algorithmic and computational problems in artificial intelligence and network science;
– Applications in social media and computational biology;
– Graph theory and probabilistic method.
Ghosh, Sanjoy
- Biochemistry
- Health/Medical science
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology
- IHLCDP (Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
Biochemical aspects of dietary fats and exercise in preventing the development and complications of obesity and diabetes.
Gibson, Deanna
- Biochemistry
- Food/Diet
- Gastroenterology
- Health/Medical science
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology
- Pathogenesis/Pathology
- IHLCDP (Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Gut health and immunity;
– Intestinal microbiome;
– Dietary intervention in ulcerative colitis patients;
– Gut-brain axis;
– Novel live biotherapeutic products for the treatment of gut inflammation.
Gill, Paramjit
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Modelling
- Statistics
– Sports analytics;
– Statistical stylometry;
– Social networks models.
Godin, Robert
- Catalysis
- Energy
- Photochemistry
- Physical chemistry
- Sustainability
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- CERC (Clean Energy Research Centre)
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Transient absorption spectroscopy/microscopy to determine the charge carrier dynamics of materials for solar energy conversion;
– Carbon-based photocatalytic materials;
– Sustainable energy and material production;
– Water treatment and advanced oxidation processes.
Greenough, John
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth science
- Geochemistry
- Mineralogy/Mining
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Mantle composition and evolution;
– Diamond indicator minerals;
– Lunar mantle composition;
– Volatiles in lava flows;
– Geochemical fingerprinting of gold;
– Archaeological artefacts and agrifood products;
– Elements in lava flows to determine the composition of the interior of the Earth.
Grieneisen, Laura
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
– Host-microbiome interactions in wild systems;
– Microbial ecology.
Han, Lengyi
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Modelling
- Statistics
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
– Data visualization;
– Scenario simulation.
Hanna, Kevin
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Environmental science
- Indigeneity/First nations
- Mineralogy/Mining
- Sustainability
- CEAR (Centre for Environmental Assessment Research)
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Environmental impact assessment;
– Natural resources management;
– Energy and mining development.
Hare, Donovan
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Applied mathematics
- Combinatorics
- Mathematical optimization
– Combinatorics with a focus on graph colouring problems;
– Discrete optimization with a focus on MIP/constraint programming solutions for the high-stakes testing industry.
Hare, Warren
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Applied mathematics
- Mathematical optimization
- Medical physics
- Transportation
- COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis and Nonsmooth Analysis)
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
– Nonconvex analysis;
– Derivative-free optimization;
– Bundle methods;
– Applications in road design, medical physics, and engineering.
Hart, Miranda
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Ecology
- Environmental science
- Genomics
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology
- Mycology
- Plant science
- Sustainability
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- WRC (Wine Research Centre)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Microbial ecology of soil microbes;
– Role and the applications of microbes in sustainable agriculture, viticulture, and ecological restoration.
Hasan, Mohammad Khalad
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer graphics
- Data science
- Machine learning
- IHLCDP (Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention)
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Human-computer interaction;
– Mobile and wearable (e.g., smartwatches, smart glasses) user interfaces;
– Augmented/virtual/mixed reality;
– Information visualization, gesture interaction, and computer vision;
– Navigation interfaces, and input devices.
Haston, Christina
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Biophysics
- Disease
- Health/Medical science
- Radiation oncology
- Medical physics (MSc, PhD)
– Radiation oncology;
– Radiation biophysics.
Hill, Alex
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Astrophysics
- Computational physics
- Cosmology
– Radio, optical, and computational astronomy;
– Interstellar gas, magnetic fields, and turbulence in and around the Milky Way;
– Photoionization and radiative transfer in interstellar gas;
– High velocity clouds;
– Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME).
Hodges, Karen
- Biodiversity
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Environmental science
- Wildfire science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- BRC (Biodiversity Research Centre)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on behaviour and population dynamics: predator-prey dynamics; extinction risks and species-at-risk legislation; wildfires and wildlife; biosolids and wildlife; climate change; birds; mammals.
Hopkinson, John
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Condensed matter physics
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
– Condensed matter theory: geometrically frustrated magnetism (spin ice, spin liquid, dimer models);
– Hubbard ladders;
– Mesoscopic physics;
– Heavy fermion quantum criticality;
– Solid-state physics.
Hornibrook, Edward
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Analytical chemistry
- Gas analysis
- Geochemistry
- Wetlands
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Biogeochemistry;
– Stable isotopes;
– Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases;
– Natural and restored wetlands, lakes, soil, groundwater;
– Trace gas analysis and automation of monitoring equipment.
Howard, Perry
- Biochemistry
- Health/Medical science
- Molecular biology
– Ars2 in RNA biogenesis;
– RNA processing in stem cells;
– Regulation of Pax6 by miRNA;
– Rewiring of tyrosine pathway in cancer.
Hui, Bowen
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer science education
- Data science
- Machine learning
- Modelling
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- ICER (Institute for Community Engaged Research)
- Language Sciences Institute
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Learning analytics;
– Computer science education;
– Decision making under uncertainty;
– Probabilistic user modeling;
– Human-computer interaction cost models;
– Experiment design and analysis.
Ielpi, Alessandro
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth science
- Geochemistry
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Earth and planetary geomorphology;
– Watersheds, rivers, and floodplains;
– Basin analysis;
– Fluvial biogeochemistry.
Irani, Pourang
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Data science
- Visual computing
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Human-computer interaction;
– Information visualization;
– Data visualization;
– Visual analytics;
– Ubiquitous computing;
– Immersive technologies;
– Persuasive health;
– Health informatics;
– Input devices.
Jack, David
- Catalysis
- Modelling
- Physical chemistry
– Chemical and physical processes at solid surfaces;
– Phase transitions;
– Molecular computer simulations;
– Heterogeneous catalysis;
– Functional surfaces;
– Nanoscience.
Jirasek, Andrew
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Health/Medical science
- Medical physics
- Radiation oncology
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Medical physics (MSc, PhD)
– Radiation oncology;
– Raman spectroscopy;
– 3D radiation dosimetry;
– Quantum mechanics;
– Data and image processing.
Jones, Melanie
- Agriculture
- Ecology
- Microbiology
- Mycology
- Physiology
- Plant science
- Wildfire science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
– Physiology of ectomycorrhizas and roots of woody plants;
– Effects of fire and silviculture on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities;
– Carbon allocation within and between woody plants, orchard management under climate change.
Kavanagh, Trudy
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Biogeography
- Ecology
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
– Treeline ecology;
– Abiotic controls on vegetation dynamics;
– Examination of the water-repellent soils that develop after severe wildfire, which modifies the soil micro-environment and subsequent vegetation establishment.
Klegeris, Andis
- Biochemistry
- Cell biology
- Disease
- Health/Medical science
- Immunology
- Molecular biology
- Pathogenesis/Pathology
- Pharmacology
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Neuroimmunology;
– Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases;
– Glial cell biology;
– Cellular and molecular pharmacology;
– Method development for protecting neurons from age-related deterioration;
– Signaling between different cell types of the central nervous system;
– Problem-solving skills of students and effectiveness of alternative instructional techniques.
Lalonde, Robert
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
– Effects of information use on population and community processes;
– Evolutionary ecology and population ecology of parasitic insects;
– Developing insights into the biology of parasitic insects and the dynamics of parasite-dominated communities;
– Potential applications in the area of biological control of both insect pests and introduced weeds.
Larson, Kyle
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth science
- Geochemistry
- Geochronology
- FiLTER (Fipke Laboratory for Trace Element Research)
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Structural geology and tectonics;
– Petrology;
– Geology of the Himalaya-Tibet-Karakorm system;
– Tectonics of Southwestern British Columbia.
Lasserre, Patricia
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Visual computing
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Machine learning including deep learning;
– Optical character recognition (OCR) and computer vision;
– Human-computer interaction: augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).
Lawrence, Ramon
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Software engineering
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Database systems and data analytics including data integration;
– Analysis of large-scale scientific data sets and embedded databases for Internet of Things applications;
– Software engineering and system development.
Lee, Paul
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Algebra
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
Algebraic number theory: diophantine equations, elliptic and hyperelliptic curves, intersective polynomials.
Li, Isaac
- Biochemistry
- Bioengineering
- Biophysics
- Health/Medical science
- Mechanobiology
- Modelling
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Single-molecule and single-cell biophysics;
– DNA-based molecular molecular devices and biosensors;
– Cancer and immune cell mechanics and mechanobiology;
– Extracellular vesicle and exosome biology/biotechnology.
Li, Summer Xia
- Biochemistry
- Biophysics
- Chemistry education
- Organic synthesis/chemistry
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
– Organic chemistry;
– Biophysics and biochemistry of biological macromolecules.
Lucet, Yves
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computational mathematics
- Data science
- Mathematical optimization
- Modelling
- COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis and Nonsmooth Analysis)
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Computational mathematics, optimization and convex analysis;
– Modelling road design to minimize construction costs under safety and environmental constraints;
– Creating algorithms for computer-aided convex analysis;
– Visualizing operators in 2D, 3D, and 4D.
Mahmoud, Soheil
- Biochemistry
- Genomics
- Molecular biology
- Natural products
- Plant science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Molecular, cellular, biochemical and environmental factors that regulate the quality and quantity of aromas and essential oils produced by herbal and medicinal plants;
– Identification, cloning and characterization of structural and regulatory genes that are involved in the biosynthesis, inter- and intra-cellular trafficking, secretion and storage of monoterpenes in plants cells specialized for secondary metabolite production.
Mason, Chase
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Biotechnology
- Ecology
- Genetics
- Molecular biology
- Natural products
- Physiology
- Plant science
– Plant ecophysiology;
– Plant-biotic interactions;
– Plant secondary metabolism;
– Genome-wide association mapping;
– Functional trait evolution and evolutionary ecology;
– Crop biodiversity and crop-wild relatives.
McNeil, W. Stephen
- Catalysis
- Chemistry education
- Inorganic chemistry
- Organometallic chemistry
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
Chemistry education: alternative conceptions of advanced bonding models, impacts and effectiveness of active and collaborative learning activities, affective learning outcomes.
Menard, Frederic
- Catalysis
- Chemical biology
- Natural products
- Neurosciences
- Organic synthesis/chemistry
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Design of molecular tools to study the real-time dynamics of cellular events;
– Using organic chemistry, natural products are modified to label proteins involved in cellular signaling;
– Protein-protein interactions, astrocytes communication, synapse elimination, and neurodegeneration.
Menghwani, Vikas
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Environmental science
- Environmental management
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Sustainability
– Educational technology;
– Interdisciplinary education and sustainability pedagogy;
– Sustainability transitions and sustainable development.
Mohamed, Mostafa
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer science
- Data science
- Machine learning
- Software engineering
– Software development, automation, embedded systems, and the Internet of Things;
– Data analytics for decision support;
– Medical image processing, parallel Processing, GPU acceleration, and cloud computing.
Mohammed, Abdallah
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Software engineering
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Decision support systems (model driven and data driven);
– Component-based software development;
– Creative higher education.
Murch, Susan
- Analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Metabolomics
- Natural products
- Plant science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- WRC (Wine Research Centre)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Plant chemistry and biotechnology;
– Identification, quantification, and metabolism of plant secondary metabolites, the impact of these phytochemicals on human health, and the development of technologies for mass-production of specific plant chemicals as medicines, natural health products, food additives, and functional foods.
Narayan, Apurva
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Data science
- Graph theory
- Machine learning
- Software engineering
- CAIDA (Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making and Action)
- MMRI (Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute)
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Artificial intelligence/machine learning with emphasis on explainable AI/ML and quantum machine learning;
– Data mining and analytics, safety and security of cyber physical systems;
– Graph theoretic analysis of complex systems;
– Decision making under uncertainty.
Nichol, Craig
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Agriculture
- Earth science
- Hydrogeology
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Hydrogeology and vadose zone processes;
– Regional groundwater resources;
– Surface water and groundwater interactions;
– Agricultural irrigation efficiency, nitrate leaching, and greenhouse gas production;
– Acid rock drainage and mine reclamation; soil physics;
– Geoscience education.
Noonan, Michael
- Biodiversity
- Ecology
- Modelling
- Statistics
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
– Animal movement, conservation, encounter theory, and evolutionary processes;
– Macro-ecology;
– Statistical ecology.
Osei, Emmanuel
- Cell biology
- Disease
- Health/Medical science
- Modelling
– Establishing 3D bioartificial models to aid in understanding how abnormal multicellular and multiorgan interactions contribute to lung diseases;
– Developmental biology.
Parrott, Lael
- Biology
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Biology
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Ecology
- Environmental science
- Environmental management
- Modelling
- Sustainability
- Wildfire science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- BRC (Biodiversity Research Centre)
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Understanding ecosystems and landscapes as complex systems in which human and biophysical processes are coupled across multiple scales of space and time;
– Incorporating complexity into natural resource management approaches;
– Regional-scale landscape modelling;
– Social-ecological networks;
– Agent and individual-based modelling approaches;
– Landscape science and scenario building.
Pelletier, Nathan
- Biology
- Faculty of Management
- Biology
- Faculty of Management
- Agriculture
- Ecology
- Food/Diet
- Sustainability
- WRC (Wine Research Centre)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Industrial ecology, ecological economics;
– Sustainability assessment, measurement and management;
– Life cycle thinking, and environmental and social life cycle assessment of food;
– Feed and biomass supply chains;
– Resource efficiency;
– Social license and market access;
– Trade-based externalization of environmental and social risk.
Pidwirny, Michael
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth science
- Geochemistry
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Anthropogenic climate change impact assessment and adaptation;
– Use of climate databases in assessing climate change;
– Historical climate change at North American ski resorts;
– Forecasts of future climate change at North American ski resorts.
Pither, Jason
- Biodiversity
- Biogeography
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Open science
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- BRC (Biodiversity Research Centre)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
– Identifying and understanding the drivers of biodiversity patterns in space and through time;
– Community and landscape ecology;
– Best practices in open, transparent, and reproducible research.
Plunkett, Richard
- Biochemistry
- Biology education
- Microbiology
- Natural products
- Physiology
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
– Oxidative stress defences in anaerobic bacteria;
– Microbe/metal interactions (e.g. Cu, U, As) and the role of microbes in biogeochemical cycles;
– Antimicrobial peptides.
Pranckevicius, Conor
- Catalysis
- Inorganic chemistry
- Materials science
– Low-valent main group compounds;
– Small molecule activation;
– Conjugated materials.
Purcell, Sarah
- Biochemistry
- Disease
- Endocrinology
- Food/Diet
- Health/Medical science
- Metabolism
- CCDPM (Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management)
Developing evidence-based nutrition strategies to optimize management of obesity and other chronic diseases: human energy metabolism; dietary intake; body composition; nutritional status.
Reid, Scott
- Biophysics
- Physiology
- Zoology
– Comparative physiology, fish physiology, and metal metabolism in freshwater fish;
– Physiological adjustments in animals to changes in the quality of their environment.
Rheault, Mark
- Biochemistry
- Molecular biology
- Physiology
- Plant science
- Toxicology
- Zoology
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Physiology of epithelial ion transport;
– Insect toxicology;
– Insect-plant interactions;
– Metals toxicology.
Rodríguez-Pérez, Gema
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Software engineering
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Empirical software engineering;
– Mining software repositories;
– Bug localization and prediction;
– Diversity-and social-aspects in software engineering.
Russello, Michael
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Genetics
- Genomics
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- BRC (Biodiversity Research Centre)
- Ecology, evolution, & conservation biology (BSc)
– Population genomics;
– Conservation genetics;
– Molecular ecology;
– Life-history evolution.
Sadeghifar, Alireza
- Chemistry education
- Computational chemistry
- Modelling
- Physical chemistry
– Chemistry education: computational chemistry, experiment development for physical chemistry education, atmospheric and water chemistry;
– Modelling of interfacial interactions: molecular simulation of liquid, solid, gas, and interfacial phases;
Scott, David
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Environmental science
- Hydrology
- Wildfire science
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Hydrological effects of forest management and land use change;
– Effects of wildfire on hydrology and erosion;
– Effects of fast-growing timber plantations on stream flow (water yield and low flows);
– Analysis of paired catchment experiments.
Shehata, Mohamed
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer graphics
- Computer science
- Machine learning
- Software engineering
- Visual computing
- Computer science (BA, BSc)
- Computer science (MSc, PhD)
– Deep learning;
– Computer vision and machine vision;
– Visual and aerial surveillance including drone surveillance;
– Video and image processing;
– Intelligent cameras;
– New algorithms for biomedical and emerging industrial applications;
– Agriculture automation.
Shi, Xiaoping
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computational mathematics
- Data science
- Statistics
– Change point analysis;
– Saddle point approximation;
– Inverse moment approximation;
– K-sample inference, and cluster analysis.
Shipley, Paul
- Biochemistry
- Natural products
- Organic synthesis/chemistry
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Natural products biosynthesis, and biochemistry of secondary metabolism;
– Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry;
– Rational modification of biosynthetic pathways in bacteria to produce novel compounds with the potential to be pharmacologically relevant.
Simpson, Peter
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Materials science
- Photophysics
– Defect engineering;
– Silicon photonics;
– Quantum confinement;
– Ion implantation.
Smith, Kevin
- Catalysis
- Inorganic chemistry
– Synthesis and reactivity of paramagnetic organometallic chromium compounds of relevance to catalytic carbon-carbon bond forming reactions;
– Single electron transfer reactions and electronic structure effects in synthetic organometallic chemistry.
Soon, Zoë
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Developmental biology
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology
- Pathogenesis/Pathology
- Physiology
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- DHPLC (David F. Hardwick Pathology Learning Centre)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
– Scholarship of teaching and learning;
– Innovative teaching strategies designed for higher education;
– Open educational resources (OER) development;
– Secondary teacher education in mathematics and science;
– Pathophysiology;
– Motor development;
– Human anatomy and physiology;
– Bio-applications using mass spectrometry.
Szilagyi, Robert
- Computational chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
– Computational chemistry of iron-sulphur coordination compounds, clusters, nanoparticles, and mineral surfaces;
– Chemical structure and properties of templated carbon materials;
– Synchrotron spectroscopy of inorganic, bioinorganic, and organometallic complexes.
Tavakoli, Javad
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Geometry
- Modelling
- Topology
– Information geometry;
– Topological data analysis;
– Queueing theory and applications in telecommunication systems;
– Random walks in quarter plane and applications in probability modelling.
Thompson, John R.J.
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Finance
- Statistics
- Wildfire science
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Nonparametric statistics, distance metric learning, clustering, change-point analysis;
– Applications to wildfire science, behavioural finance and climate finance.
Todesco, Marco
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Ecology
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Molecular biology
- Plant science
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Wild sunflower and cannabis genetics and molecular biology;
– Developmental biology;
– Evolution and ecology;
– Sustainable crops.
Tsopméné, Paul
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Algebra
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
- Topology
– Algebraic topology;
– Calculus of functors and its applications to embeddings including knots and links;
– Manifold calculus;
– Homotopy theory;
– Graph complexes;
– Open educational resources (OER) development.
Tyson, Rebecca
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Ecology
- Mathematical biology
- Modelling
- Sustainability
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Sustainability (MA, MSc, PhD)
– Mathematical biology and spatial ecology;
– Mathematical models of ecological systems;
– Development and analysis of mathematical and computational models;
– Cyclic predator-prey populations.
Vollick, Dan
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Cosmology
- Theoretical physics
– General relativity;
– Black holes;
– String theory.
Vrbik, Irene
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Data science
- Machine learning
- Statistics
– Mixture models;
– Supervised and unsupervised learning;
– Computational statistics and biostatistics.
Walker, Ian
- Biology
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Biology
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Environmental change;
– Chironomid palaeoecology;
– Quaternary palaeoecology and paleoclimatology;
– Dynamics of arctic and alpine tree-line ecosystems;
– Aquatic insect ecology;
– Biomonitoring, use of aquatic insects (living and fossil) as indicators of environmental change.
Wang, Xianfu (Shawn)
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Applied mathematics
- Mathematical optimization
- Statistics
- COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis and Nonsmooth Analysis)
– Variational analysis, convex analysis, and classical analysis;
– Optimization applications in signal processing and communications.
Wei, Adam
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Ecology
- Environmental science
- Environmental management
- Hydrology
- BRAES (Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services)
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Forest hydrology and ecology;
– Eco-hydrological processes;
– Forest disturbance and watershed processes;
– Cumulative hydrological impacts in large forested watersheds;
– Forest changes and carbon processes;
– Watershed ecosystems and integrated management.
Wiebe, Amy
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics
- Combinatorics
- Geometry
- Mathematical optimization
– Discrete geometry;
– Realization spaces of polytopes and matroids;
– Interaction of problems in combinatorics with applied algebraic geometry and optimization;
– Equiangular lines and combinatorial problems arising from applications to digital communications.
Wolthers, Kirsten
- Biochemistry
- Catalysis
- Enzymology
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Enzyme guided radical-chemistry;
– Fast reaction and spectroscopic methods to probe the interplay between protein dynamics, function and structure;
– Rationale-design of biocatalysts;
– Vitamin-derived cofactors by biological systems.
Young, Robert
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences
- Earth & environmental sciences (BSc)
- Earth & environmental sciences (MSc, PhD)
– Glacial and fluvial processes;
– Landforms and landscapes;
– Environments of the quaternary, as determined by physical and biological systems.
Young, Robin
- Biochemistry
- Biology education
- Cell biology
- Plant science
- STEM education/Teaching and learning
– Plant cell biology;
– Plant organelle morphology;
– Plant cell wall synthesis.
Zandberg, Wesley
- Agriculture
- Analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Glycoscience
- WRC (Wine Research Centre)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (BSc)
- Biochemistry & molecular biology (MSc, PhD)
– Analytical glycobiology: modern instrumental techniques, and developing new methods;
– Using chemical and analytical tools to investigate the functions of protein-linked glycans in cells and animals.