Undergraduate Research Awards

The Undergraduate Research Awards (URA) is supported by the Irving K. Barber Endowment Fund to provide exceptional learning experiences for undergraduate science students at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Funding for the IURA comes from the ISI International Student Financial Assistance and Awards budget, which supports experiential learning opportunities for international students. The purpose of the URA/IURA program is to provide undergraduate students enrolled in the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science with the opportunity to pursue innovative and original research as part of their learning experience.

You must be returning to undergraduate studies in September to qualify for an Undergraduate Research Award.

Financial Aid

Value of the awards:

$11,000 salary (inclusive of benefits).


$10,000 salary (inclusive of benefits), and up to $1500 for research expenses required to support the summer research (e.g. materials, lab supplies, field expenses, but NOT publication fees).

FoS Undergraduate Research Awards Symposium

The 19th annual Undergraduate Research Awards Symposium took place on Thursday, September 5, 2024. The Symposium featured presentations from the 2024 recipients of the Undergraduate Research Awards (URA/IURA/USRA) Programs.

Sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Endowment Fund, the International Student Initiative and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.



The application package must be received no later than 4 p.m. on January 31, 2025. Applicants should expect to hear back from the Dean’s Office if their application was successful or unsuccessful, by late March.

Prior to applying for a URA or IURA, all students must complete the TCPS Research Ethics course. Submit a copy of your certificate of completion to fosawards.ubco@ubc.ca.

Please ensure you are applying for the Undergraduate Research Award in your Faculty. If you are a BSc Psychology or BSc Economics student and are working with a faculty member within your department, you must apply to the FASS URA. If you are a BA Math or BA Computer Science student and are working with a faculty member within your department, you must apply to the Faculty of Science.

All other BSc students must complete the forms below with the Faculty of Science letterhead. Ensure that you are completing the correct form. If you complete the incorrect form your application may not be considered.

It is recommended you open and complete the form using Adobe Acrobat

2025 URA/IURA Information Session

The 2025 Undergraduate Research Award Information Session will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2024. A URA/IURA proposal writing workshop will also be held later in the fall.


For information regarding the URA application, contact:



recent Recipients

Student Name Department Project Title Supervisor
Emma Creed Biology Thymosin-β4: A Potential Mediator in Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Andis Klegeris
Mika Mercey Biology A metagenomic survey of microbial communities associated with arboreal black bear dens in coastal BC’s ancient forests Miranda Hart
Olivia Regush Biology How cattle grazing is impacting soil viruses Miranda Hart
Georgia Regush Biology GRIN for the WIN: Digging into underutilized trait data of the cultivated sunflower Chase Mason
Natalie Woo* Biology Drone-based monitoring of antelope brush (Purshia tridentata – Pursh) Jason Pither
Ignacio Labrador* Chemistry Biosynthesis of Bicuculline In Fern Leaf Corydalis Thuy Dang
Mary Olson* Chemistry Finding the Middlemen: Novel Biosynthetic Enzymes Discovered in Carolina Jasmine Thuy Dang
Ryan Riopel Chemistry Going with the Flow: Pulling Apart DNA Hairpins with Flow-Induced Forces Isaac Li
Sophia Vanslyke Chemistry By Learning from Nature… Can Fake Plants Help Save the World? Conor Pranckevicius
James Dufresne CMPS Peering Behind the Interstellar Curtain Alex Hill
Ruoyan Hu* CMPS Epidemic shutdown strategies: Finding the best shutdown strategy in a population with its own opinions Rebecca Tyson
Zahra Kagda CMPS Searching for Differences Matricies with 5 Rows for the Groups ℤ32⊕ℤ2 and ℤ16⊕ℤ4 Amy Wiebe
Lauren Baylis EEGS Changes in Streamflow, Stream Temperature and Fish Habitat in a Harvested Compared to an Undisturbed Watershed Sheena Spencer
* Indicates winners of the International Undergraduate Research Awards (IURA)
Student Name Department Project Title Supervisor
Sofia Andreassi * Biology Molecular validation of dmorct gene knockout/knockdown using CRISPR-Cas9 in insect renal tubes Mark Rheault
Anastasia Bernaz* Chemistry Identifying Alcohol Dehydrogenases in Camptotheca Acuminata Thu Thuy Dang
Dhruv Bihani* CMPS Exploring Position-Based Pointing Performance on a Large Curved Display Khalad Hasan
Juan Brussow Biology Bioprinted 3D vascularized model of fibroblast-embedded connective tissue to study defective mlticellular interactions in lung disease Emmanuel Osei
Alexis Gauvin Chemistry Stealing Iron from Blood: Binding Analysis of HmuF and Mutants Kirsten Wolthers
Ben Goldberg Biology The Pathological Role of Heme in Alzheimer’s Disease Andis Klegeris
Meghan Grossman EEGS Water Use and Soil Characteristics in Different Aged Forest Stands: A Preliminary Assessment Sheena Spencer
Erika Lin Biology Analytical pipeline to assess microplastic effects on soil microbes: A new frontier in conservation Michael Noonan
Rekha Marcus Biology Predicting the Unpredictable: Incorporating changing conditions into protected area planning Michael Noonan
Nasser Mohammed CMPS A Polarimetric Study of G137+7: “The Tadpole” Alex Hill
Riya Naik* Biology Development and refinement of an energy metabolism knowledge assessment questionnaire
Tien Nguyen* Biology Characterization of Cannabis CsSEP-like Genes in Relation to Flower Initiation Soheil Mahmoud
Joelle Regier Chemistry Kynurenines and Their Impact on a Plant’s Reaction to Stress Susan Murch
Manjot Singh* CMPS Preserving privacy of the blind in images Khalad Hasan
Kennedy Wiens Biology Psilocin Inhibits Pro-Inflammatory Activity of Brain Immune Cells Andis Klegeris
* Indicates winners of the International Undergraduate Research Awards (IURA) 
Student Name Department Project Title Supervisor
Helen Chiang* Biology Can brain chemicals impact your gut? The investigation of kynurenine and serotonin on colitis and anxiety/depression Deanna Gibson
Dylan DaSilva Biology Histone-Induced Neuroinflammation as a Novel Mechanism for Alzheimer’s Disease Andis Klegeris
Jordan Katchen Biology Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Diversity within BC Forests Jason Pither
Melanie Lemaire Biology The effects of long-term dietary TEA exposure on fruit fly morphology Mark Rheault
Gustavo M. Marchani* Biology Life Bulb – Light production in cyanobacteria with fungal genes Soheil Mahmoud
Spencer Ursel Biology Combating intestinal diseases with mucus producing organoids Kirk Bergstrom
Sofia Ventosa* Biology Characterization of Alcohol Dehydrogenases from Rauwolfia serpentina Thuy Dang
Krista Fulton Chemistry Evaluation of O-Glycan Extraction Methods for Gastrointestinal Mucin Characterization Wesley Zandberg
Simona Mastroianni Chemistry Analysis of Kratom Susan Murch
Megan Schroeder Chemistry Functional Characterization of Heme binding Flavodoxins in F. nucleatum Kirsten Wolthers
Greta Tödtmann* Chemistry Computational Study of the PINOylation Mechanism at Benzylic C-H Bonds Gino DiLabio
Carolina Tomiyama* Chemistry Characterization of Novel Milk Oligosaccharides: A Qualitative Analysis Wesley Zandberg
Lilian Ton Nu Chemistry Using a DNA-based probe to quantify cell adhesion at the molecular level Isaac Li
Amaury De Burgos Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Packings & Transversals in Tripartite Graphs Wayne Broughton
Emily Mellors Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Design and Assessment of a Low-Field Tabletop MRI System Rebecca Feldman
Jordan Sawchuk Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Cation ordering on a lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra: Investigation of a simple Ising-like model John Hopkinson
Paula Wong-Chung* Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Deep Learning-Based Digitization of Plains Cree Documents Patricia Lasserre
Samantha Kole Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Faraday tomography: features in simulated space Alex Hill

* Indicates winners of the International Undergraduate Research Awards (IURA)

Student Name Department Project Title Supervisor
Christy Richards Biology Brain-derived signalling molecules regulate debris engulfment by astrocytes Andis Klegeris
Seamus McRae Biology DNA-binding proteins as mediators of neurodegeneration Andis Klegeris
Selina Spence Biology Spread of biofertilizer into natural landscapes Miranda Hart
Bandy Maya Biology Effect of peri-natal maternal toxin exposure on their offstring’s gut-brain axis Deanna Gibson
Allison Leam Chemistry Probing molecular force regulating cell-cell interactions Isaac Li
Dyuti Raghu* Chemistry Conformational dynamics of DNA Holliday Junctions using Optical Tweezers Isaac Li
Durvan Zandamela* Chemistry Structural elucidation of lichen exopolysaccharide by CE-LC-MS Wesley Zandberg
Jasper Pankratz Chemistry Soluble 2D Nanosheets as Versatile Precursors to Photcatalysts with Different Morphologies Robert Godin
Brooke Kwan Chemistry Genes associated with camptothecin biosynthesis in Ophiorrhiza pumila Thuy Dang
Vivien Nagy Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Modelling the spread of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi through soil Rebecca Tyson
Joan Brewer Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Investigation of perivascular spaces through high-field MRI Rebecca Feldman
Livia Tan (Jonnatan)* Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Exploring Users’ Smartphone Usage Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic Khalad Hasan
 * Indicates winners of the International Undergraduate Research Awards (IURA) 
Student Name Department Project Title Supervisor

Sydney Bosetti


The role of O-acetylated sialic acid on intestinal mucus in regulating host-microbe symbiosis in the gut

Kirk Bergstrom

Sakshi Khanna


Studying transcription factor genes regulating flower initiation in Cannabis sativa

Soheil Mahmoud

Taryn Murray


Extracellular cardiolipin regulates select immune functions of astrocytes

Andis Klegeris

Anusha Shivram


Co-operative Behaviours of Otters (Lutrogale perspicillata) in Urban Singapore

Karen Hodges

Arantxa Da Fonseca


Electrophysical response to astrocytes exposed to kainic acid-based agonists of receptors in a2q pro

Frederic Menard

Destiny Ellenor


The Functionalization of Carbon Nitride for a Greater Understanding of its Photocatalytic Activity

Robert Godin

Ryland Todd Giebelhaus


Sifting Through the Weed:  Untargeted metabolomics to discover new terpenes in Cannabis sativa L.

Susan Murch

Kaede Hirabayashi


Melatonin and Serotonin Perceive Environmental Cues in Arctic Plants

Susan Murch

Allison Leam


Characterization of serial adhesion bond kinetics and their regulation in cell adhesion

Isaac Li

Kamal Narayana


Assessment of the digestion of milk oligosaccharides by human gut bacteria

Wesley Zandberg

Amir Sardari Romina


The Role of Quantum Effects in Stability of Ribonucleotide Reductase

Gino DiLabio

Darina Vekhova


Investigation of the NOX2 enzyme inhibitor (VAS2870) – via protein labeling

Frederic Menard

Matthew Currie

Computer Science

Matching People in Historical Metis Records

Ramon Lawrence

Meng Tian

Computer Science

Improving crowd counting accuracy for deep learning architectures

Mohamed Shehata

Sarah Wyse


Modeling the effect of stochasticity on a mathematical predator-prey system

Rebecca Tyson

Jasmine Lamoureux

Process Geomorphology

Spatial Analysis of the Effects of Forest Roads on Water Quality in Streams

Bernard Bauer

Luke Williams

Earth Science

Methane transport through floodplain trees

Ed Hornibrook

Delator Hini


Female and Homless:  Exploring the Barriers and Coping Strategies of Homeless Women in Kelowna

Carlos Teixeira

Hanna Paul


Unpacking Cultural Relativism of Menstruation and Moon Time for Women in the Okanagan

Fiona McDonald

Lydia Wood


A Canadian Update to Neuropsychological Normative Data

Maya Libben

Reagan Zinck


Shaping opinions:  An analysis of Canadian press coverage of climate change

Carolyn Szostak

Camille Morissette


Support Systems in Athletes that have Suffered Traumatic Brain Injuries

Deana Simonetto

Jonathan Gilbert Romaniuk


Faith and Works:  A History of Canadian Community Service in the Diocese of Kootenay During WWI & WWII

Ben Nilson

Shao Yuan Chong

Political Science

Evaluating Trauma from Protests in the Hong Kong Community Since 1997

Manfred Elfstrom

Paige Kinniburgh

Political Science

Analysis of the Relative Effectiveness of Mobile Versus Fixed Injection Sites

Adam Jones

 * Indicates winners of the International Undergraduate Research Awards (IURA)